Fri 21 - Thu 27 October 2011 Portland, Oregon, United States


Languages for modeling and programming are diverging, with the implication that developers who would like to model end up with the challenge of maintaining both model and program artifacts. In addition, modeling is hampered by poor tool support compared to programming. The trend in programming languages is that less attention is paid to the fact that programming should be a kind of modeling, and state-of-art for executable models does not cover what programs usually cover.

It has not always been like this. The very first object-oriented programming language, SIMULA, was also considered (and used) as a modeling language. Modeling and programming have evolved since SIMULA. The aim of this workshop is to investigate how combined modeling and programming languages would be as of today, by identifying candidate elements for such languages, propose potential combined mechanisms, and by describing implementation techniques.

Url http://coomp.org/2011/