Fri 21 - Thu 27 October 2011 Portland, Oregon, United States

Transition to Multicore

TMC is focused on tools and systems for parallel programming that are interoperable with legacy code, minimize the annotation burden for developers, and match well with current industry practice. We solicit industry experience reports about working or unworkable examples of such tools or systems, as well as research reports on topics including:

  • Surveys or empirical studies measuring the current state of practice for multicore programming in industry
  • Field studies identifying barriers and benefits to using existing tools Analysis tools focused on correctness, performance, or understandability analysis of existing programs
  • New programming models which are interoperable with legacy multithreaded systems

The goal of TMC is to foster critical industry-research dialogue on transitioning to multicore. Industry participants will have the opportunity to potentially influence future research directions. Research participants will have the opportunity to put their work into industry context and learn about interesting research problems.