Fri 21 - Thu 27 October 2011 Portland, Oregon, United States


The sophisticated capabilities of smartphones provide a number of unique opportunities for research and development. Current smartphones can receive a variety of environmental stimuli, such as GPS location, acceleration, ambient light, sound, and imagery. Smartphones possess multiple network connections that can be used to connect to external computing resources, which can be used to push software updates, track usage, and report errors. Building complex smartphone applications is a challenging endeavor. Application developers must deal with limited resources and application interaction with the physical world adds new obstacles, such as resource conserving sensor data fusion. This workshop aims to nurture new thinking on how to tackle the challenges of using smartphone computing at scale, as well as how these unique systems can be applied in novel ways to important societal problems. Our goal is to bring together a combination of academic research, industrial experience, and independent application development ideas - with the objective to bring together a diverse set of perspectives on smartphone applications.

Url http://www.cs.ua.edu/neat/