SPLASH 2011 (series) / Jenny Quillien

Registered user since Wed 24 Jan 2018
Name:Jenny Quillien
Jenny Quillien
Currently I am the Curator at the newly minted Embodied Making Institute in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The Institute develops pattern languages for software development, urban digitalization, regional safety programs and has experience with various industries such as greenhouse production, human resources, and telecoms.
Previously I split my time between university teaching (New Mexico HIghlands University, Boston University, The University of Maryland) and organizational consulting.
I enjoy dual citizenship, French and English, I can speak both those languages and fair German. My Dutch, at best, is a work in progress.
Affiliation:Embodied Making Institute
Personal website: http://jennyquillien.com
Research interests:pattern languages, aesthetics, human geography, spatial design
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